Thursday, September 22, 2016

Songs for spring

Today we have to write about a random topic, so I think it's a good idea to talk about an incredible band called American Football. That's because today I received from the postman their homonymous album. I ordered it from Polyvinyl website, their record label, about a month ago. This album it's the only one they have released to date, and is somewhat old, from 1999. But in 2013 the band have reunited and they will release a new album in october.

They play a very emotional music, a mix of indie, emo and math rock. American Football have also influenced many bands of the new wave of indie chilean music, like Protistas and El cómodo silencio.

But that was not the only CD i bought. I ordered three more discs, because it was an online garage sale and the prices were ridiculously cheap. The other CDs are Some Racing, Some Stopping by Headlights, I do perceive, by Owen (it's the nickname of Mike Kinsella, the leader of American Football) and Enemies, by Pele.

I do perceive is somewhat similar to American Football album, but a little more intimate, more acoustic.

Headlights, in the other hand, swings from the indie pop to the indie rock. Some Racing is their third album and it have some delicate, soft songs.

Finally, Enemies it's a foundational album for the math rock. Pele have influenced bands like Tortoise, Toe, Maserati, and many others.

Here are some songs :)


  1. Yout post is very interesting, good music :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I liked very much the firts song, headlights. I also like that kind of music but I didn't know that band. I will search for more songs

  4. I liked very much the firts song, headlights. I also like that kind of music but I didn't know that band. I will search for more songs :)
